Chris and Vanessa get a new study in recycled Ironbark
Prior to starting Bib'n Brace Chris asked us to review a design and quote for a painted MDF study. Collectively we decided that rather than the cluttered design needed to support the MDF shelves we would use recycled Ironbark that matched the floors and would span huge distances without a need for vertical supports, keeping the shelving clean and open.

Solid recycled timber components of sufficient size to make the study would be prohibitively expensive and very, very heavy, so we manufactured the components out of cross laminated board that we fabricate (in this case from some floor joists) giving a high perceived value and the ability to conceal cabling and drawers within the timber components as shown here.
Another feature that works well, are the carved bits, scalloped out where the timber had a natural split that would otherwise catch on cleaning cloths, giving a sensuous look and feel to the components.

Having hollow components allows for almost invisible fixings and fittings with an LED strip incorporated into the bottom shelf as the ideal reading light plus drawers integrated into the desktop that do not distract from the wonderful story told in the natural grain, nail holes and patches.

In spite of the efficient use of the recovered timber we still managed to save nearly 300kg of hardwood from going to waste in this study alone, which should see the timber being enjoyed for another 80- 100 years.
"We love the new study, we love to see its heritage in the timbers selected. It is worth so much more than the painted imitation that we had originally planned."
Chris B
knick Knack Nook

Following the renovation, Chris and Vanessa where left with a window opening in the new living room. We made a Knick Knack nook out of a 100 year old Fascia board that had come in with a load of timber.
The benefit of using timber for this over MDF or other manufactured board was it allowed us to use thinner components, to minimise the impact the structure has visually allowing the Knick Knacks to feature.
Nib Cap

I had never given much thought to Nib walls before, but rendered, or even plastered nib walls are a pain to keep clean and the perfect place for leaving coffee cups and wine glasses. Capping them with timber makes a lot of sense.
in this case we capped with ironbark, to stay in sync with the other timber colours in the house. For this capping we used some Cross Laminate board with a mitred edge strip, as I am fairly certain if we had taken the easy option of a slab of timber it would twist or cup and we would never get it to sit flat.